Around the Web
Sigh. Camille Roskelley was featured on House of Turquoise. I love her house. I love her house, because it is beautifully decorated, but also because there are no giant stacks of paper or baskets of laundry. I am tossing things into the Goodwill bin right and left, but it doesn’t help me get to a look like Camille’s house. Sigh.
Short introduction to the Fat Quarter Shop’s new You Tube Channel. The quilt behind Kimberly in the intro is cheerful. Kimberly tweeted tons during Market earlier in the week. Go look at her Twitter feed (@fatquartershop) and click on the links to see new fabrics, etc)
I saw a video on the Quilt Bear Website for a new trimming ruler by Karen Montgomery. It looks like a great idea for snowball blocks and I am thinking of making one in orange since I saw Michelle’s at a recent BAMQG Meeting.
The Library of Congress has a new website with a lot of old newspapers called Chronicling America. Of course, I did a search for quilt in California in the late 1800s/early 1900s. I found a picture of a quiltmaker stitching away on a sampler quilt in the SF Call. The article is about quiltmaking and mentions various patterns. You can read it by zooming in. More coolness from the Library of Congress.
Need some special templates? Read about Brye Lynn’s find, Customplastic on her blog. Hhmm, what do I need to make?
I don’t really want to get into it with you, but this annoys me. Not the blog post, but the selvedge statement.
I found a Flowering Snowball pillow on the Cut to Pieces blog. Her pillow is really nice looking. I was so surprised to see that someone else found this pattern and actually made it. Love it!
I found the above on the Blogger’s Quilt Festival post. I am slowly making my way through the other entries. Yes, I signed up to win at the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. WIN! Nominate and vote for my quilt: at the Blogger’s Quilt Festival here: …please. I also would like to expose my blog to new readers. All of you are fab! I’d like a few more comments on my posts and some more links from other blogs.
I had to write a new post and the Renewed Jelly Roll Race has an interesting story. I know a lot of you have heard it all before, but I hope I changed it up a bit so you wouldn’t be bored. I also didn’t make that the only post of the day. See? I am always thinking of you, my dear readers. 😉 I thought about the Flowering Snowball, but it isn’t done yet, I don’t have a photo. Blah. Blah. Blah. If you feel like it, there are a lot of gorgeous quilts on the site that you could look at after you nominate and vote for my quilt. ;-). Here is the schedule:
- October 26 – 31 Linky open
- November 1 – 4 Nominations are made (this is where you nominate me)
- November 5 -8 Vote for your favorites
- November 9 Winners announced
I also saw this palette quilt-let via a link from the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. I have been wanting to make a palette block for my mom as part of larger quilt, which isn’t designed yet. Food for thought for sure.
I also this interlocking wheels pillow. I don’t know if that is the real name, but that immediately leaped into my mind when I saw it. Shape Moth has an interesting way of combining colors.
I also saw a CakeWalk quilt from Mountain Musings. The fabrics are very cheerful and remind me of the fabrics I am using for Flower Sugar Hexagon quilt. The maker links back to the designer’s blog and the story of what a CakeWalk is is very interesting. I have never heard of it before. I really liked this blog, in general. It wasn’t all quilts-all-the-time, but it had a nice feel to it.
One thing that surprised was how many quilts were from patterns. At least the makers acknowledged and/or linked back to the pattern makers. If you have never designed your own quilts, tell me what is stopping you. Perhaps that is a tutorial I can work up.
So far I have gotten some wonderful comments from people on the Renewed Jelly Roll Race. I am not the only one who is confused by the popularity of the technique! One person asked me to write a pattern!
Fabric, Supplies and Tools
I was asked recently to write some tutorials on EQ7. I haven’t done it, but the topic is on my radar. I saw an EQ7 tutorial for printing foundations from an Alabama artist. He doesn’t seem to tag his posts, so I would have troll through it to see what other EQ7 info he has posted. Too bad. Tagging is useful. I haven’t had a chance to explore yet, but it might be a source of additional information for you. Let me know what you find.
Ellen Rushman wrote her Master’s thesis, called Modern Quilting: A DIY Discourse, for her degree from the College of Education and Human Sciences, major in Textiles and Clothing Design and has posted it on the UNL website for your perusal. The thesis explores the Modern Quilt movement from the perspective of quiltmakers who self identify as modern quilters or were at a meeting where interviews were taking place. Ms. Rushman concludes that the Modern Quilt movement is both an aesthetic and attitude.
Did you see the tutorials I posted this week? Part 1, part 2 and part 3 of fusible machine applique’. These will soon be posted on the Tutorials page as well. I really had to break it up into three parts. No sane person could write a post that long and no sane person could read a post that long. Hope you were able to follow along. Let me know if anything is unclear. I know the parts about how you turn your fabric to get a smooth zig zag are tricky. I know my brilliant readers will rise to the occasion.