Unless you were absolutely not paying attention, or just discovered this blog yesterday, you will know that I participated in the Black Friday Sew-in. I was pleased to get some prizes from Lark Crafts (thanks, Shannon & Ray) to giveaway. I also had a few bits and bobs to round out the gifts.
I posted questions to which I was really interested in hearing the answers. You did not disappoint. Thanks for all of your thoughtful and complete answers. Except for Q2, of course, which was a blatant attempt to get people to use fabric gift bags instead of wrapping paper for Christmas. 😉 I don’t think I succeeded this year, but I hope springs eternal that I put a bug in people’s ear for next year.
Here are the awesome stats:
Q1: 17 comments
Q2: 5 comments
Q3: 16 comments
Q4: 14 comments
I really appreciate everyone commenting, especially those who read and have never commented before.
Q1 Winners: Becky in PA, Mary Ann, SandyH
Q2 Winners: Glen, Quiltin’ Jenny
Q3 Winners: Pam, Susan, Lori Kay, EngrSandi
Q4 Winners: Torie, Sarah, Amy
I am going to have to send the books off a little at a time during the week as I don’t drive to work and can’t carry them all at once. Never fear! You’ll get your prizes. If you don’t like your prize or are mad that you didn’t win, blame my DH, he picked all the numbers. 😉 I won’t tell you where he lives, because I like him and would like to keep him in one piece. Thanks for playing along.
I hope you will write about the Black Friday Sew-in, your thoughts and ideas on your blog or on Big Tent (anyone, practically, can join) or somewhere, so those of us who organized the event and the giveaways hear what you thought.
I also hope you will go back and read the comments. People did a GREAT job answering and I was pleased to go back and read. If I haven’t responded, don’t worry, I will. It might take me a few days, but I will respond. I have read every comment!
I also have to say how wonderful everyone was when I emailed them about the giveaway. Everyone had such kind things to say about my blog and my writing. It gave me a real boost. Thanks!