Early last week I posted the final patches I was planning on using for FOTY 2012. The CQFA retreat was this past weekend and I worked on the quilt top all weekend. This is the final layout, or nearly the final layout, of Fabric of the Year 2012. I think of this as a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, in some ways. Perhaps I will call this piece Chrysallis?
In this picture, all the pieces are sewn into groups of 2. By the time I left the retreat center, I had started to sew larger chunks together and the upper right hand corner was nearly all sewn.
As usual, I went through my process of hand wringing and chest beating on Friday followed by sewing and intense rearranging on Saturday.
One of the things I really like about working on this at the retreat (remember last year’s retreat?) is that everyone helps. They don’t help by rearranging, though that goes on a bit, but they come by and give me an opinion, there is always someone around to help with tricky placement and they appreciate my process. By appreciate, I meant they let me engage in my process, which, for this project, involves a fair bit of angst. It was all worth it. I am pleased with the way this is coming out.
I think that I may be over the colorwash technique for these pieces. I like the idea of cutting a piece of fabric from each fabric I use or buy during the year, but I think I have done enough of the colorwash exercise for the time being. I am trying to think of something else for 2013. I have some fragments of ideas, but they haven’t coalesced yet.
I just love this. I am also happy I got to see the beginning of the metamorphosis.
thank you so much for stopping by the retreat. It was great to see you for a few minutes. I am glad you got to see the beginnings also.
I adore this quilt. The colors are beautiful and beautifully placed. It’s just perfect. I love “colorwash” but sometimes find it a bit “busy”. Not so with yours…it’s soothing and peaceful.
So impressive and beautiful every year. It looks so different in this picture for some reason than in person. I have to say (and you’ll probably kill me because of the rearranging it would entail), those white spots which are the white flannel background, in the lower right hand side are really effective. Maybe not white but something light there would really really work well for the overall design.
I always appreciate your comments and have to admit that some thoughts along the same lines were emerging in my mind as well. Perhaps a thought for next year, but we will see.
Wow, Jaye! This so fills me with music… you know, how a song might start with some low rumblings, move into a lively melody, then exit in a crash of cymbals, leaving little explosions as you are returned to silence… I see you butterfly chrysalis, too. Lovely!
I love your description! Thanks for sharing it.
So pretty. LOVE it.
It glows. Love it!
Glad you like it. I think I really did a good job this year blending the fabrics. Perhaps the fabrics I chose were easier to blend?