As I said yesterday, I spent Sunday making the Peacock blocks. In between I made donation blocks. I had taken 3 kits from the BAMQG meeting on Saturday so I made those up first. Those blocks are the 2 on the right and the one on the top. After I was done with those, I made up a few more from my own fabric. I sewed them as leaders and enders in between the parts of the Peacock hexagons. I used them to keep track of the various parts of the blocks. They are all the same colors, so it is easy to mix of pieces. And the bonus was all the donations blocks I finished as well.
I do intend to make more donation blocks.
Does your guild specify what blocks you can make for donation or is it free choice? My guild has no rules whatsoever with regards to size of finished quilt or much of anything for donation quilts. They did, however, get a donation of lovely modern fabrics from an estate and have put them in kits, which is a relief from country plaids!
Our guild provides kits of certain block designs, but they accept any tops. If individual blocks are donated then someone usually makes a top out of them. Our guild has suggested sizes, but they take all sizes.
PS Sometimes institutions have certain size ranges they will accept so for some quilts, our charity girls ask for a certain size. We are currently undergoing a discussion about what institutions we want to donate quilts to.
Oooh, I like these a lot, Jaye!
Most are kits – the ones with the white alternate patches. The random alternate patches show you which blocks are made with my fabrics.