Last Windmill?

Black Windmill
Black Windmill

I have been working Windmill units for my next Windmill quilt. I kind of hope this is the last one, but it is an easy pattern, so there is a possibility that I will make another.

This one is using black as the background. I wanted to do something different. After FOTY 2018, I might be more interested in using black again.I am also using a few dark blues and some browns. I may not keep them in. It depends on how they look once I get the piece on the design wall. Right now I am just sewing pairs together.

I am going to give this one to my stepdad. It will match, sort of, Warm Windmill #2, which I am giving to my mom.


Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.