Color Wheel Drawstring Bag for Carrie

Carrie's Lined Drawstring Bag
Carrie’s Lined Drawstring Bag

As I said the other day, I had three gifts to make in the early part of March. One of them was a birthday gift for Carrie. Since I was pressed for time, I made a lined drawstring bag. I did an assembly line with Gerre’s bag and got them done in an afternoon.

You can’t see it very well, but I tried to fussy cut an entire color wheel for the outside of the bag.

Carrie's Lined Drawstring Bag - interior
Carrie’s Lined Drawstring Bag – interior

I use some of the Create ‘I’m a Maker’ fabric I bought just for this purpose. I installed it upside down, but Carrie can see it easily when she looks at it, so I am going with that as a design choice. 😉

This time I put labels on the outside of the bags, which I thought looked nice. I didn’t stuff them and take pictures (see above reference to time pressure).

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.