I finally buckled down this past weekend and got some of my ‘rote’ sewing out of the way. Rote sewing is stuff like making backs, putting on bindings, etc. I usually consider it to be stuff that I have to do at the machine, but isn’t very creative. I often have a hard time getting started on it. The good thing about rote sewing is that it usually goes fast once I buckle down and I can often cross a lot of tasks off my list after a rote sewing weekend.

This time I worked on backs and tossed the Fluttering Hearts into the mix. Above you can me trying out the Fluttering Hearts. I have had 3 on the piece on my design wall since November or December. I really wanted some at the top and decided that Saturday would be good day to try it out.

I spent a lot of time sewing carefully around the hearts with the satin stitch. I am out of the thin Maderia embroidery thread so I used a spool of Robison-Anton that seemed relatively new. I love the sheen of that thread. It is also thick like quilting thread, so the satin stitch looks pretty full on the hearts.

Above is the Tarts with the Fluttering Hearts appliqued. I thought I would be done, but I am thinking that I need to applique’ something to the tea kettle (lower left), some steam or stars to the Chocolate Pot, like I showed in this post.
I think I might be getting too mired in the layering thing that is going on in my head. I have to remember that I put the label on the back and it says I finished this quilt in 2010, so I have to finish it!

Here is the Tarts back, another bit of rote sewing from the past weekend. It went together really fast! I was shocked. I guess I really do need to finish this quilt!
Give me your opinions about more bits of applique’ of it you think I should just wait to embellish with buttons and beads and embroidery.
First Beach Town was fun to see completed and then a recent photo of Tarts! This made me smile. It is such a happy quilt. I am in such a slump though, I cannot bring myself to comment. Don’t get me wrong…I am not putting myself down! I really appreciated seeing Tarts today because it DID push me to do the two latest creative prompts. I am hoping this leads into a light bulb moment on the quilt I am stuck on right now. 🙂 I love love LOVE the tiny hearts! 🙂
Just power through. I started this blog to get myself moving. Sometimes I just sew random 4 or 9 patches just to do something. You can do it; this happens to everyone. Thanks for your kind words on the Tarts!