I finished the Stepping Stones on Thursday night. I was able to take a photo in front of the house when I had a spare young man to help hold the quilt.
I like the way this quilt came out and after I show it off at the guild, I will send it off to one of the nephews.
In general, I am pleased with it. I think it does look better close up. Of course, the quilting is fantastic. Looking at from this distance makes me see how the colors could be done differently.
Sandy, of Quilting…for the Rest of Us, in episode 116 and 117 spoke about the differences between the way Bonnie Hunter and Kimberly Einmo explained how to choose fabrics for their mystery quilt projects. It made me thinking about the pattern for this quilt and I think the same principles apply. The authors of the book assume you are going to use the same fabrics they used, though I think they do mention that you can use any fabrics in passing. They don’t say where you need contrast and where you need some parts emphasized. From looking at this picture, I see how I should have extended the points of the diamonds into the border (the border was my own design) and how some of the reds have too much white in them. I think the book would have more shelf life if more attention was given to the fabrics. Kind of a shame, really.
I do want to make the pattern again so I can try to do better. You know I have been working on sample blocks using various Bonnie and Camille lines. The biggest thing I realized is that I need contrast – a lot of contrast – between the background and the foreground.
Jaye, this is fantastic. I see what you are saying about extending the points, and about the fabrics, but all in all this is a gorgeous quilt. I like the colors you chose even if you aren’t completely happy with some of the placement.
And, yes, you are so lucky to have a quilter who does such beautiful work and really reflects your style.
Thanks, Jenny. This quilt isn’t perfect, but I still really like it. I love the block and the overall pattern. I think there is a lot of ‘scope for fabric imagination’ to paraphrase from Anne of Green Gables. My quilter is awesome. She has tons of experience and that is the only way to get better.
It looks great, Jaye! I see what you mean with the diamond points and totally agree with you on that! I would personally prefer value fabric recommendation with mystery quilts since I like to chose my own colors.
I haven’t done a mystery quilt, but would use my own fabric/color choices if I did one. I don’t want to make what everyone else makes. Even if the author of a pattern or book says which parts of the block or piecing would be emphasized, it would be a help.
I agree, contrast can really change the read of the block and it can change dramatically as a function of the distance from which the quilt is viewed. The quilt blocks I am currently working on turned out to be a study in contrasts.
In general, I am please with this quilt. I just think I will do better next time.
I really like this, Jaye! I see what you mean about the red and white fabrics. They do make it a little busy, and don’t read quite as red. Still, it’s beautiful in it’s own way.
Thanks, Valerie. I certainly don’t dislike this quilt! I actually really like. I like to learn from my quilts, though and make my next quilts better. I really like the fabric on this quilt and think that might have been part of the problem: I really wanted to use the fabric and it wasn’t appropriate in some places. I will make another one.
I don’t know what diamond points are I think the sewing of all the little pieces would make me CRAZY!!! Oh wait I am…I guess that is why I paint. As far as color goes I just got a book from the library. YES see you’re smiling now HuH? It is called an “Artist’s Color Manual The Complete Guide to Working with Color” by Simon Jennings. I know nothing about book or author I just liked the colors on the cover. I will let you know how it goes…
Can’t wait to hear about it. YAY! You are using the library!
You have so much inspiration in your blog. Thank you for taking the time and sharing. I like how you wing it and share the adventure. Your quilt is beautiful. Colors are great. I’m working on setting myself free from needing patterns as written and using their colors. Its hard!!!! Carolyn
Hi Carolyn,
Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate your kind words. when I started quilting, there were very few patterns for entire quilts and no ‘lines’ of fabric the way we have now, so I guess I learned to wing it. One thing I like to remember is that there is always more fabric!