As I said in the previous post, I told you that I wanted to cover the raw edges and mid-week last week I had a few minutes over the course of a couple of nights. I started making binding for the inside and pinned it over the raw edges.
I used strips cut on the straight of the grain. I didn’t need to make bias strips, because I didn’t need to curve around anything that requiring some give.
The process I used to make the binding, very briefly, was to cut the strips, fold in half, then open and press the raw edges towards the center. Finally, I laid the pieces in a T, or cross, shape and pinned them to the bag. With that prep work done, I was able to find a time and just start sewing.

Pretty early on Sunday morning I put the bag under the machine and began sewing the binding down. It was so great to be able to start sewing right away. I thought this process would be awful and it really wasn’t. Yes, I had to sew slowly. Yes, I had to keep the handles and scrunched up bag body out of the way. Would the process have been better, if I had put this on before the top edge binding? It probably would have a looked just a bit better, but it really looks great.

I used thread to match the binding in the top of the machine and thread to match the outside of the bag in the bobbin. Yes, there are lines on the outside of the bag, but it doesn’t show much unless you look really hard. The Muggles won’t know.
So, I am really pleased with how this bag looks. The crosses look a little odd, but I like to think of it as a design element. I can try something else next time.