I finally got over the hump of the elastic on my Knitting Needle Case and started to make progress. It has been over a month since I started working on this bag and I thought it would go more quickly.
The problem was that I couldn’t believe I was reading the pattern correctly. The first instruction after cutting is to apply elastic to the right side of the fabric. I couldn’t believe that was right, so I procrastinated, then I DMed the creator and then I found her videos. There are two videos. I skipped through a lot of the first one, though when I found the section I needed it was really helpful.

Neither of the videos have talking. The sound is all musical (I turned the sound off), but there are some titles. It doesn’t matter, the visuals are helpful. The part about the elastic also gives a helpful tip for lining up the elastic as holders for needles.
After getting over the elastic hump and learning to add snaps, I was able to make good progress in a few hours. The last step I have is to sew on the binding.
I’ve questioned patterns in the past too. Once in a while I just do what they say and am shocked when it turns out to be correct! lol I’m glad you were able to figure yours out with the help of videos. Gads this technology stuff has opened a whole new world to us crafty types! Pretty fabrics too…reminds me of a birthday party with balloons.
I keep marveling at how technology has changed the way we craft! Don’t understand the directions? Check the video!