Thread and Bobbins Storage

Thread storage
Thread storage

I have never liked storing thread on the wall, but I saw this positive aspect to storing thread on the wall. I know this is an extreme close-up, but the wooden part is a wooden wall mounted storage rack**.  The  storage rack in the link is not the exact one shown in the photo. The one in the photo is just an example.  There is thread on it and a bobbin minder** holding bobbins.

I love the bobbin minder idea! It is really a great way to store bobbins so they stay with your thread. Then when you take the thread to do, you can take the bobbins on their minder and go to class or retreat.





**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

2 thoughts on “Thread and Bobbins Storage”

  1. I have one of these wooden thread holders, and I love the ease of seeing the colors of thread, but I do not like the dust that settles on the spools. I always think I should make a vinyl flip over dust cover for the rack. Maybe the next time it falls off the wall I’ll add one. I do like the idea of those bobbin minders, I’ll have to try some.

    1. I always liked the idea of being able to see my thread. I rummage through an Art Bin to find the color I need, which is ok, but not idea. I saw a tip –somewhere — that showed the bobbin rack on a sliding bar that allowed the rack to slide into a cabinet. I’ll try and find it and share it. It would be a good project for M.

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