Sketching #160

CPP Response #160: Dilute
CPP Response #160: Dilute

I went on a binge of drawing the other night and did all the drawings I had missed except for two. I am trying to keep up now.

I had some trouble with the splashing of the water into the glass. I’ll have to look at it as I pour something into a glass.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

2 thoughts on “Sketching #160”

  1. I like it, my first thought was how my mother used to dilute our milk with powdered milk to save money – should draw that. Maybe I will and you are so right, this isn’t a contest, it’s just that old evil “I’m not good enough” part of me coming out again.

    It’s interesting to see how different people’s styles of drawing mimic their nature or “vibe” if you will. Now I don’t know you or quilt rat personally but just what I get from your blogs ect. – your drawings are orderly and precise made with some thought. I see quilt rat as being a rebel, drawing the unexpected. And me, sort of carefree and I’ll try anything at least once attitude.

    1. You ARE good enough. You ARE!!! Your drawings are wonderful!

      My mom used to dilute milk that way, too. I think you should draw it.

      Your comments about drawing styles are insightful and interesting. Thanks, as usual, for participating and commenting.

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