As I mentioned, I was avoiding the Petrillo bag on Saturday and ended up working on this project.
One of the annoying things about this project is that it takes 36 seams to make a block. This means that I sew and sew and sew before I make any progress.
On the good side I sew and sew and sew and then, all of a sudden, I have 6 blocks done. It is nice to see the blocks once they are done.
I have been trying to work through each color and then attach it to a different color to avoid duplication when making the 2-octagon subunits. It doesn’t always work and will look better once I have all the blocks done. The problem is that, in a picture like the one above, it looks like I have used the same fabrics in all the blocks.
To a certain extent I have and it bugs me, but then I remember that I am not going to, necessarily, put the blocks above next to each other in the quilt.
I also get bored with the same fabrics, so I try and move through the stack of colors so I have more from which to choose. As a result, I have some quarter block units to put together still and octagons waiting to be paired with other octagons.
The progress continues, though I only have 10 blocks at the moment. I will keep sewing and make more.
Previous Posts:
- Sunday May 25, 2014: A Few More Russian Rubix Blocks
- Tuesday May 6, 2014: Russian Rubix Again
- Susan: Wednesday April 16, 2014: Podcast episode #41
- Saturday March 1, 2014: The Colors of the Russian Rubix
- Saturday February 22, 2014: Russian Rubix Colors
- Saturday December 7, 2013: Russian Rubix Center Square Test
- Monday October 28, 2013: Russian Rubix Color Choices
- Wednesday October 9, 2013: Russian Rubix Test Blocks
- Tuesday October 8, 2013: More Background Drama
- Saturday October 5, 2013: Russian Rubix Backgrounds
- Saturday September 28, 2013: In a Clear Space You Can See Across the Room
- Wednesday September 11, 2013: Chosen Colors
- Thursday August 26, 2013: Russian Rubix Templates
- Tuesday August 20, 2013: Continuing to Choose Colors
- Susan: Tuesday August 20, 2013: History Quilter Podcast Episode 39
- Monday July, 22, 2013: Russian Rubix