Current Projects – July 2014

Finished 2014 Quilt Projects

  1. Disappearing Pinwheel: Finished 5/30/2014
  2. Fabric of the Year 2012: Finished 4/24/2014
  3. Flower Sugar Hexagon: Finished 7/1/2014
  4. Fresh Fruit: Finished May 3/3/2014
  5. Infinity Quilt: Finished 3/3/2014
  6. Scrapitude Carnivale: Finished 6/3/2014
  7. Spiderweb: Finished 2/22/2014 WHEW!
  8. Star Sampler: Finished 7/3/2014

Finished 2014 non-Quilt Projects

Still WIPs

  1. Aqua-Red SamplerFrances and I are back at it regularly and I give Frances full credit as I have been letting her “drive the bus.” I did work on the hexagon tutorial as promised. It is ready to post, but I could have taken a few more photos and might still do that. If you look at it and think there are a paltry number of photos, check back.
  2. The Tarts Come to Tea: I still haven’t worked on this since April 2011, though, periodically, I think about working on it.
  3. Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. I still haven’t worked on this, though, I did find a bunch of squares already made. That makes me hopeful.
  4. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. My career counselor breathed new life into this project for me. She asked a simple question and the end result was inspiration for this piece. I am working on printing images on fabric and looking at the shoulder fabric. I am still trying to decide about a mouth and I need to find some monsters. 😉
  5. Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much. Possibility for abandonment. I have to face reality.

Ready for Quilting

Wow! Everything on this list is new.

  1. New:* Wonky 9 Patch: Basted; needs quilting and binding. I am planning on quilting this myself. (Not on original list)
  2. New:* Super Secret Project #4: at the quilter
  3. Table runner: needs quilting and binding. I am planning on quilting this myself. (Not on original list)

In the Finishing Process

  1. See: I finished the quilting! YAY!! Needs facing and sleeve

In Process
I decided that I had better put in an ‘In Process’ category. The difference, at least in my mind, between ‘In Process’ and ‘UFO’ is that I am actively working on a project that is “In Process.”

Hunting and Gathering

  • Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. I probably have enough fabrics and just need to decide to start.
  • Windmill quilt: Still hunting and gathering. I will use a grey for the background, because if I use more of the cut fabric patches, the pattern will be lost. The pieces are too oddly shaped and I don’t want to lose the pattern in a mass of scraps.
  • Stepping Stones #2 using Bonnie & Camille fabrics Bliss, Ruby, Vintage Modern: made two test blocks, but still in the thinking stage while I decide on the background colors. I want the contrast to be good.
  • Stepping Stones #3 using the Macaron pre-cuts from Hoffman. I just remembered this project. It isn’t started, but I have all the pre-cuts and should think about actually using them.
  • FOTY 2014: cutting out 3″x5″ rectangles.


Nothing so far for 2014

You can find the last update for the Current Projects list provides a good comparison to this month.

I thought you might want to take a look at the first list I made, the one with the 26 Projects. I started the list in October 2011. I have made REALLY GOOD progress. Up until last month, I was still planning to stop this post when I had no more projects from the original list to write about, but now, that the end is in sight, I am not so sure. It is so useful to keep track of all of my projects. Since I still have some pretty old projects on the list, I don’t have to decide right now.

*New – Project started after I started working on the 26 Projects list

Creative Prompt #268: Boy

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

Boy George

Boy Scouts

Definition: “A boy is a young male human, usually child or adolescent. When he becomes an adult he’s described as a man. The most apparent thing that differentiates a boy from a girl is that a boy typically has a penis while girls have a vagina. However, some intersex children with ambiguous genitals, and genetically female transgender children, may also be classified or self-identify as a boy.

The term “boy” is primarily used to indicate biological sex distinctions, cultural gender role distinctions or both. The latter most commonly applies to adult men, either considered in some way immature or inferior, in a position associated with aspects of boyhood, or even without such boyish connotation as age-indiscriminate synonym. The term can be joined with a variety of other words to form these gender-related labels as compound words.” (Wikipedia)

About a Boy (movie)

Boy (stylized BOY) is a Swiss/German pop duo founded in 2007 by singer Valeska Steiner (Swiss) and bassist Sonja Glass (German).

Oh boy!

boys howdy

Boy Meets World

Nancy Boy


Beastie Boys

Boys’ Life (magazine)

Boy by Roald Dahl

Backstreet Boys


The Beach Boys

Boys Town

Boy toy

Bad Boy Records

Pet Shop Boys

Run Boy Run

Mama’s Boy

Pep Boys

Boys State

Dutch Boy (paint)

Golden Boy

Bugle Boy

Billionaire Boys Club

Jersey Boys


FOTY 2013: a New View

FOTY 2013 - Black & White
FOTY 2013 – Black & White

I am slowly, painfully, making my way through the FOTY 2013 piece. I am nearing the end of the arranging.

Nearing the end.

Not there yet.

I have been looking at the quilt project through the green and red films that come with the Ultimate 3-in-1 Color tool (if you don’t have this, click on the link and buy it RIGHT NOW**). It hasn’t been working out that well for me, so I decided to switch a photo to black and white to see areas that could use improvement. This was a great idea, because 1) it shows me that I am doing pretty well and 2) it shows me areas that I might be able to improve.

I am trying to stick to the idea that the darkest fabrics will go on the bottom because they have a heavier feeling.

I also want the like colors to be mostly together and there to be a smooth-ish gradation between colors.

Annotated FOTY 2013
Annotated FOTY 2013

I thought I would share with you areas that jumped out at me and see what you think.

The areas I have indicated are too dark or too light for where they are currently placed OR do not make a smooth transition. I have not moved anything yet, because identifying a problem creates another problem: where to put the problem fabrics and what to put in their place.

This is where you have to look at the piece and at the colors to make sure that if you move it to the ‘obvious’ location, it doesn’t ruin the smooth transitions between colors.

Once I make the changes, I have to go start the process over.




**You should buy the Ultimate 3-in-1 color tool because it is a quick reference for color work. You can look at the relevant page see the complement, the analogous colors, triadic and split complementary. There is also a long list of colors that would work in a monochromatic quilt. It is a sampling of tints, shades and tones.

Previous Posts that Might be of Interest:


Donation Tote Bag

Recently, Mom asked for something for her church auction. they raise money to pay off the student loans of the priests, presumably so the priests can adhere to their vow of poverty.**

Donation Jane Market Tote
Donation Jane Market Tote

I thought of this bag. It was, after all, almost done and meant I didn’t have to start a new project. Perfect. I started this bag before I started having machine problems. It was actually the straw that broke the camel’s back. I try not to hold that against it. Regardless, I had some decorative stitches to rip out. At Sew Day, Kelly did the job for me while I did a job for her. Then I just did another decorative stitch with the backup machine and finished it.

The difficulty with decorative stitches is that I am not familiar with the options available on my backup machine. I used almost all, if not all of the decorative stitches on my 9K to make gift bags. I don’t really need more gift bags and I am not that interested in making gift bags right now (Don’t get me wrong! I love them and think everyone should use them, but I have plenty and am over making them for the moment). That gift bag project was also an opportunity for me to try out all the decorative stitches. I learned:

  • how much thread each one requires
  • placement information
  • size

Making this tote bag was great and adding the decorative stitch was kind of a shot in the dark. The other variable was that my backup machine allows me to resize the stitches as well. I haven’t played much with that option, but it introduces a whole additional level of options to my choices.

I dove in and sewed the last bit, then gave it to Mom who was thrilled. I might make something else, if I have a chance, since the auction isn’t until December. What I would love is to make something that would blow their socks off and have people fighting over. I would be a hero. A quiltmaking hero and that would be awesome.





**My mom is Greek Orthodox and I have no idea if their priests have to take a vow of poverty. I do know that their salary has to come from the congregation and that is daunting. I don’t see the priest getting $90k per year.

See Progress

See: Quilting the Background
See: Quilting the Background

I also, after working on the lanyard and the lovey blocks and the Fish Postcard that I got back to See. I spent about 6 hours quilting and saw a lot of progress. The background isn’t done, but I probably have a quarter of it left to stitch.

I am following the grid lines on the fuchsia fabric. It is going well, though I am starting to sink a lot of threads. the piece will be pretty tightly quilted when I am finished.

I was in a phone meeting the other day and was looking at this piece as I listened to everyone talk. I am really pleased with how the background quilting is coming out. I need to get to work to finish the piece.

Fish Postcard

Fish postcard
Fish postcard

This is a long overdue project. I started it in May 2007 in a workshop with Pamela Allen through the East Bay Heritage Quilters.  It would have been easy to toss it into a Goodwill bin and move on, but because it was started in a Pamela class, I just couldn’t. I am not 100% happy with the stitching and the fish looks a little freaky, but I am really glad it is done.

I sent it off to a friend who is spearheading a Lovey for a mutual acquaintance who is going through a tough time.

Scissor Sheath

I have a weird image of myself wearing a lanyard to a guild meeting with a lot of tools, at my fingertips and never lost under fabric or pattern pieces, hanging off of it. Like a chatelaine that the mistress of an English or French great house or castle would wear, only more quilty.

This is probably a stupid vision, because I would get a neck ache carrying around all this stuff  and it would look a bit geeky as well. I did warn you that it was strange, and I just never know what images will pop into my head and inspire me.

A good reason to go to a guild meeting, probably the best reason, is to see what others are making. At a recent BAMQG meeting, Susan brought scissor sheaths she was making for the ladies at a retreat in which she participates. These scissor sheaths stuck in my head and I looked up a couple of YouTube videos with directions. They are very easy to make.

I took the best of both videos to try and make my own.


  • Template (cardboard or rotary version)
  • Interfacing to give the piece a little body. Batting would do as well.
  • Gluestick or Sewline glue pen
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread
  • Rotary cutter
  • Iron and ironing supplies
  • Chalk or chalk pencil (Sewline works well)
  • Needle
  • Thread
Fan/Dresden Template Selection
Fan/Dresden Template Selection

First, I went looking for templates. I didn’t have a heart shaped die for the Accuquilt, so I looked for fan or Dresden Plate rotary templates. I knew I had some and thought those would work.

I had a few different ones and tried the rounded Dresden petal template first. the first one I made turned out ok. I needed to reinforce the stitching in several places and I didn’t like cutting around the rounded bottom (thinner end) of the template.

Despite my annoyance, any of the above templates, as well as the Accuquilt heart shaped die (not really covered in this tutorial) will do.



Cut Fabrics
Cut Fabrics
    • 4 pieces of fabric from your template (this tutorial does not cover the modifications needs if you are using the Accuquilt Heart shaped die)
Pin Interfacing to Fabric
Pin Interfacing to Fabric
  • 2 pieces of interfacing or batting slightly smaller than your template


Mark notches
Mark notches
  • Make notches or markings where you want the top fold to be – about 1-5/8″down from the top. 1″ works well for some fabric looks.
  • Pin the interfacing, if it is not fusible, to keep in in place while you sew until after you turn it. ShapeFlex will work if you have some.
Pin Interfacing to fabric
Pin Interfacing to fabric


  • Two right sides together, leaving a small space to turn,using a scant 1/4″
  • Try to catch the interfacing (if it isn’t fusible)

Clip and Turn

  • Optional: Clip curves, if you are using a Dresden Plate template that has a curved edge.
  • Turn pieces right sides out

Trim, Poke and Press

  • Trim the corners if you are not using a rounded Dresden template.
  • Poke out corners and curves carefully so the outer edge is smooth
  • Press so the pieces look nice


  • Put two main parts together (4 Dresden fan pieces that you have sewn and turned)
  • Sew from notches/markings
  • Sew around bottom 2-3 times staying on the line to reinforce the bottom


  • Trim the bottom corners
  • Turn whole piece right sides out
  • Fold down front petal
  • Press
  • Optional: stitch folded petal down using hand-stitching needle and thread or you could add a button or bead as an embellishment.
Scissor Sheath, finished
Scissor Sheath, finished

Final Thoughts

Now I am thinking of sets of Pincushions, needlecases and scissor sheaths. Watch out world! 😉 However, these are kind of a pain to make, so I don’t know how many I will make.

You could add a tab with some hardware so you can attach it to your quilt club lanyard.


  • Stamping with Gail video on scissor sheaths.
  • Anne Clemmer (StamperDog) video on making a scissor pouch

Snowball Wreath Again

Snowball Wreath Block 2
Snowball Wreath Block 2

SnowballWreathDrawingJust a few weeks ago, I caught you up on the news of the Snowball Wreath pattern.

Do I have a bug in my ear?


I am fascinated by this block.

One problem I had with the previous post was that my Blockbase disk stopped working and I had to get a replacement disk before I could show you the templates or the detailed layout of the block.

I just received the disk, installed Blockbase and immediately looked up this block. Snowball Wreath was there in all its crazy glory.I am so impressed that Laura Wheeler would have the guts to make a block with such crazy templates. Talk about no fear!

They had used colors in the sample that weren’t to my taste, so I recolored the piece to look like the block I made way back when.

Snowball Wreath Block (drawing)
Snowball Wreath Block (drawing)

I saw the block colored, but I also looked at it for a long time in the drawing format. Can you believe those pieces? I am reminded why we don’t see very many quilts with this pattern. Of course, I haven’t see every quilt in the universe, so they could be out there waiting for the perfect time to show themselves so I have another blog post. 😉

Finally, you can see from the second block I colored that there are different ways to get different looks out of the block. I don’t think the second one looks quite as interesting, but it would definitely work if you wanted to fussy cut some fabric then put it in he middle.

Here is a PDF of the Snowball Wreath templates. Who’s making one?

Creative Prompt #267: Store

98 prompts (approximately 1.5 years!) to go before I end this project.

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

in-store services

store shelves

web store

mind the store

store staff

H-Store is an experimental main-memory, parallel database management system that is optimized for on-line transaction processing (OLTP)

brick and mortar store

app store

store locator

convenience store

The Comedy Store, 8433 Sunset Boulevard.

department store

store locations

store security

store directory


grocery store

The DataCite Metadata Store is a service for data publishers to mint DOIs and register associated metadata.

jewelry store

Stores will combine the sociality and the indulgences of food with the pleasures of shopping,” says WD Partners’ report.

  • A retail store: Establishment where merchandise is sold, usually on a retail basis, and where wares are often kept.
  • A storage place where things are stored, e.g. a ship’s paint store
  • Expendables released from an aircraft, such as ordnance or countermeasures
  • Štore, a town and a municipality in eastern Slovenia
  • The Store, 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Thomas Sigismund Stribling
  • The Store (ITV), British shopping television programming on ITV1 (Wikipedia)



CQFA -July 2014

Maureen's Show Piece
Maureen’s Show Piece

Last Saturday was the day of reckoning for Primal Green 2 (remember the first Primal Green show?), the show the group has coming up in the Fall at the San Francisco Public Library.

We all had to show the pieces (in progress ok) we were planning on entering. The work was amazing. Some of it came from the various challenges the guild has had and some is new. It was all very interesting and wonderful.

What a fantastic meeting, if for no other reason than the work alone.


July 2014 ATCs
July 2014 ATCs

Angela wasn’t at the meeting, so Maureen led us in trading. A few more extras were collected for the show. I thought mine were pretty cool until I saw everyone else’s. I need to up my game. More embellishing, more stamping, more beading. More interesting.

Show and Tell

I showed the most quilts, all of which you have seen:

Fish Purse by Carolyn
Fish Purse by Carolyn

Everyone showed such great stuff. Jennifer is really having a lot of success sending materials to magazines. Maureen continues to try new dyeing techniques. Carolyn showed the most hilarious, but fantastic fish pillow. People encouraged her to enter it into the show. It would be a great piece for one of the tabletop cabinets.

After Sewing

I stayed again to work a little bit with friends like I did last week and got part of the second apron cut out as well as the Soft & Stable for another Petrillo Bag. I still didn’t tackle the notepad covers or the Day in the Park bag. I guess I need to rethink those projects and why I am not working on them.

Jan Scardina
Jan Scardina

Jan and Maureen stayed, too. Maureen took a beading class from Thom Atkins and worked on her sampler project while Jan sewed like a demon to finish her quilt for the show.

I think of this quilt as part of Jan’s “Flying over the Country” series, though I am not sure she agrees. She flies to the Midwest to visit her parents and I think she gets inspired by what she sees during the flights. She started a piece at a retreat a few years go with circles, but similar in construction to the piece above. I love that previous piece and egged her on a bit about finishing it. 😉 I was really glad to see her and see her sewing.

Finished: Star Sampler

Finished: Star Sampler
Finished: Star Sampler

I actually finished this piece last week (or, maybe, the week before), but it is so huge and the weather has been so wet that I wasn’t able to take a photo until Maureen and Nancy held it up for me at the CQFA Meeting last weekend. Thanks, Pals!

It was also the first time I had seen it all completely finished. I wrestled it in my lap to bind it, but didn’t even get DH to hold it up, because we were really busy last week and I was afraid it would have defeated him as well.

I am so pleased with how this quilt turned out. Not only is the finished pieced lovely, but it brings back good memories, despite some complaining, about working on a  project with TFQ. She still has to finish hers, but perhaps seeing mind finished will spur her along.

I really like the different sized blocks. They really create a lot of movement in the quilt.

I want to make another one. Crazy, I know.

EPP Stars Go Together

EPP Stars (back)

I have been working on my Half Hexie English Paper Pieced Stars since August of 2012. I really wanted to see if I could actually take out the paper templates and use them again. I sewed four stars together and went from there.

I would have felt a lot better if TFQ were sitting with me supporting me (egging me on). She wasn’t and I needed a stiff upper lip.

EPP Stars with Papers

I did it. I took out the papers and the piece is fine. I was kind of shocked at how easy it was and how well it worked. It is tempting to take them all out, but I know I can only take out those that are surrounded on all sides by another piece.

I should have been, but I was a little surprised by how well the ‘free’ pieces kept their shape.

I don’t know how many stars I have completed, but I may pull out the box in which I keep them and start sewing them together. I would at least get an idea of how many more I need. I could also start putting a border on, once I decide what fabric to use for a border.


Orphan Block Lanyard

Orphan Block Lanyard
Orphan Block Lanyard

Back in December, I put a post up on the Bay Area Modern blog about making lanyards, which was a personal challenge that the president put out to the guild. I wanted to do it, but I haven’t done it for myself yet. It is on the list.

It took me some time to get around to making any kind of lanyard, but I finally did in response to the Orphan Block Challenge also put out by BAMQG. This one will be given in to a pool of small gifts and then I will get something back. I kind of like this lanyard, but am ok giving it away, too.The best part is that now I have a better idea about how to do it.


  • 2 orphan blocks, at least 10″x10″
  • Atkinson Designs Swivel Hook & D Ring Set
    Atkinson Designs Swivel Hook & D Ring Set

    1 swivel hook and d ring set (See Atkinson Designs sample) OR a swivel hook and a ring. You can use any size that you have on hand as long as it is larger than 5/8″

  • 1 ring (yes, another one)
  • Sewing machine
  • thread
  • Rotary cutter, mat and ruler
  • pins or WonderClips

First I took a look at the Two Peas in a Pod tutorial. There are several tutorials listed. I picked this one, because it was the first one I looked at and I could follow it easily. Frankly, I already had an idea of how I was going to make the lanyard, but I needed to see how someone else did a few of the parts.

Then, I squared up the blocks a little bit to make sure the blocks to make them easier to cut into strips.

Since this was an orphan block challenge, next, I cut the blocks into 2.5″ strips. The blocks were 9″ or 10″ blocks (I don’t know -I didn’t measure) and I got about 3 strips from each one with skinnier bits leftover. It doesn’t matter what size they are as you can use regular fabric or a Jelly Roll strip and discard the leftovers.

After cutting, I sewed the strips together until I had a piece that was long enough to go from my belly button, around my neck to right below my collarbone (about an inch below or so).

Sew another strip that is long enough to go from your collarbone to your belly button.

Take both strips, fold them in half and press. Open them up and fold the raw edges to the center and press.

Sew D Ring Here
Sew D Ring Here

Then I wanted to add a loop at the shoulder so my nametag would be at eye level or I could use it to keep track of my glasses. Cut this piece about 4″.

I took one of the leftover skinny strips (from the block above), folded it in quarters, top stitched both sides, slid the fabric piece through a ring and sewed that piece to the right side of a strip that had not yet been sewed. Once you slide the strip of fabric through the ring, you will have a U if you hold both of the raw edges, one in each hand. The ring will be dangling from the bottom of the U.

Collarbone Loop
Collarbone Loop

Nota bene: In the picture, the strip to which you have to sew is upside down. Make sure you sew the the loop with the ring in the bottom to the right side of the strip. Nota bene due: In a subsequent step, you will fold the whole piece in quarters and top stitch. You may want to measure and sew this loop to avoid the folds that will take place later.

Collarbone Loop
Collarbone Loop

After you have your extra loop added, you should sew the strip to the other strips and keep adding strips until the piece is long enough. You will need a bit of extra length to fold up to accommodate the Swivel hook and other loop, so don’t cut it off too short.

Now you have a long strip about 37″ long. This measurement is from the Two Peas in a Pod tutorial. I cut mine a little shorter to accommodate my height and torso length.

Fold your long strip in half and press. Yes, the glasses loop will be a pain. I haven’t figured out how not to make it a pain. If you know of a way to make it easier, let me know.

Open your piece and fold the raw edges towards the crease in the center. Once you have completed this the raw edges will be encased in the center.

Top stitch very close to the edges on both sides. If you want to be fancy, you can do a double line of stitching or a decorative stitch. Depending on the size of the ring holder, you may have to skip the area where the ring holder is, or go around it.

Now hang the strip around your neck. Trim the ends if you think they are too long.

Take the loop and thread one end of your strip through it. Pin in place. WonderClips work well, too.

Thread Strip End Through
Thread Strip End Through

Take the other end of the strip and thread the swivel hook through it. Pin in place or use WonderClips.

Now you are ready to finish off the ends. The different tutorials tell you to do it in different ways. I went with the the way the Two Peas in a Pod tutorial suggested. I hadn’t really thought about dual hardware on the bottom, but it works.


I staggered the placement of my loop and swivel hook so they wouldn’t clank together as I (or the user) walked around. This means that I had to adjust the placement of the two pieces. It took a little bit of trial and error, but, ultimately, I am happy with the placement. As an added bonus, I had fewer layers to sew over as I finished the lanyard. That step is optional.

Think about what you might hook on to your loop and swivel hook before you decide on placement.

Place the lanyard carefully around your neck. Make sure to smooth out the twists, if any, so the lanyard lays flat around the back of your neck and on your chest.

Reinforcing Thread Box
Reinforcing Thread Box

Once you are sure everything is smooth, pin (or WonderClip) the two ends together and sew. I made “thread boxes” (the same technique you use to reinforce areas of stress when making a bag) out of my sewing line in order to keep the lanyard together and looking nice.

Change your needle so you are using a new and very sharp needle. Sew two reinforcing boxes, the top one going through all layers. Move the swivel hook out of the way to sew the bottom box to finish the lanyard.

Collarbone ring in use
Collarbone ring in use

Pain and Suffering

There are a couple of places that will be difficult. Using orphan blocks or mosaic piecing means that there will be extra seam allowances. With these comes the possibility of really thick seams [See above where I refer to the glasses loop]. To mostly avoid these thick seams, use 3 unpieced lengths of fabric for the neck and loop pieces. 1 Jelly Roll strip (2.5″ wide strip) will work.

Lanyard in use
Lanyard in use
Swivel hook in use
Swivel hook in use


Le Challenge

I am linking up to the Le Challenge #14-Small on the Le Challenge blog


Weekend Sewing

The weekend felt short and I think part of that was because I had to work on Friday. Granted I only worked half a day, but it still cut into my free time. I shouldn’t complain since most people have to work all day every Friday. Since I don’t normally work that schedule, I feel I can indulge in a little complaining once in awhile.

Saturday, as I will talk about in another post, was the CQFA meeting. It was packed and busy. A few of us stayed for sewing afterwards. Stay tuned for more on that.

I came home, having declined to join DH for some more Political Wifery, and worked on the blog and some tasks related to the upcoming CQFA show. In general, though, I felt out of sorts. It translated into me not sleeping very well and the monkeys that sometimes chatter in my mind being quite active and irritating.

I woke up late, still feeling a little out of sorts, so didn’t get as early a start to my sewing as I would have liked, but I can’t beat myself up all the time, so I ate breakfast and just got to it.

Four Patches
Four Patches

First, I made some Four Patches for a friend who is doing a Lovey for someone going through a hard time. I will put those in the mail today.

I used the fabrics that I used for the Flower Sugar Hexagon quilt, because they are bright and cheerful and I don’t plan, right now, to use them for anything else.  I show some pictures of the finished project when I get them.

Fish postcard
Fish postcard

After those, I decided to put the finishing touches on the Fish Postcard and send that along as a little thank you gift for all the work my friend is gong through to get the quilt out. I only had to zig zag around the edges, so that didn’t take very long. I’ll, maybe, do a blog post on the post card later.

Next, I realized that the BAMQG meeting is next week and I promised to do an orphan block project. I decided to make a lanyard. I used the Two Peas in a Pod tutorial with some modifications. I’ll probably write another post about what I did to change the lanyard pattern above.

Orphan Block Lanyard
Orphan Block Lanyard

Following the lanyard, I felt like I had completed all of my obligations and could get on with some of my projects, but wasn’t sure on which project to work.

Eventually I decided to quilt on See to try and get that done. I quilted away for about 4 hours on and off and got another quarter of the quilting done. I am within shouting distance of having this project done, though I do need to face it and put a sleeve and label on it. After mostly not working on it since 2003, the progress I have made recently feels phenomenal.

I had a little bit of a weird food weekend as well. I bought a Milka Hazelnut chocolate bar a few weeks ago and went on a little binge. I just finally dedicated the calories to eating the whole thing over the course of a couple of days.


  • Scissor Sheath
  • Fish Postcard
  • Orphan Block Lanyard
  • Machine quilting on See


There is a lot of flux in my life right now, so I think that is part of why I feel so out of sorts. Good thing quiltmaking keeps me grounded!


ATCs for July CQFA Meeting

July 2014 ATC Start
July 2014 ATC Start

I thought ahead for once and made these last weekend, except for the finishing. I didn’t really have an idea, so I grabbed some scraps from the City Sampler blocks and started sewing them together. I sewed until it was long enough to cover a piece I had cut for the backs.

I stopped partway through to actually make the backs. I added stabilizer for stiffener. Once the pieced scrap piece was big enough, I sewed it to the backing and stabilizer, cut the piece in 2.5″x3.5″ rectangles and zigzagged around the outside.


I like them. They are mostly soothing colors, but they aren’t very arty or edgy. I planned to embellish them with beads, but really wasn’t excited about it, because I often do beading and just wasn’t in the mood. I also didn’t really have the time. It seemed like too much work in an already full week.

As I was tidying the workroom, I saw my alphabet stamps. PERFECT!!! I decided to stamp words on them. YAY! That I was excited about. I ended up not using the alphabet stamps this time, but using some Chinese character stamps I picked up somewhere.

July ATCs, Finished
July ATCs, Finished

Mine didn’t end up being that popular this time around, but the others were fantastic. Mine are calm (which I seem to be seeking lately), but the stamp wasn’t large enough to stand out and show the detail. I need to step up my game. I am not done with the stamps yet, now that I have found them again.

I am not depressed, because I know not everything can be fantastic and these small pieces are for play.

Stay tuned for more.