I am using some Windham digitally printed fabric for the exterior of my UCAB. I am finding it to be kind of delicate.
I bought pieces at two different stores, so I am pretty sure the problem lies with the printing process and not the storage at or the transportation of the fabric to the stores.

First, I found that the holes were very noticeable after I ripped out some stitching. Sometimes this happens, but they were still visible even after I rubbed the fabric down.
As usual, I did wash the fabric in hot water with Retayne before I used it.

I also noticed that this fabric gets runs – not color runs, but like runs in stockings – if I am not careful. This happens when fabric is ripped. In this case I don’t know (and don’t remember) how the fabric was separated from the bolt.

I needed some more of the fabric and when I got the second half yard I noticed some flaws.
I don’t know that much about the process of printing on fabric. I only have a few experiences with my printer and with buying from Spoonflower.
I don’t know if the experiences I am having are because it is digitally printed or because of this particular fabric or for some other reason.
I like the fabric and hope this was an anomaly.