Black Friday Sew-in #4

Update: the comments are closed and the BFSI winners have been chosen. Check my other posts and come back next year for more prizes.

The question for this giveaway is:

With whom do you like to sew? Your guild? Your bee? Your small group? What do you like about sewing with that person or those people?

If you like sewing alone, tell me why.

If you like both, I’d love to hear when you sew alone and when you want to sew with people.

Your prize for this giveaway is:

Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits
Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits

More Chances to Win:

Mean Mom Stuff:

  1. Substantive comments only. “Sign me up” comments will not be entered.
  2. Comments on questions close tomorrow 11/30/2013 at 6pm PDT. I may not actually get to choose the winner until December 1, but no whining if you can’t leave a comment at 6:01pm on 11/30.
  3. The books will be sent from Lark. I will send them the names and addresses and they will send you the book.
  4. Everything else is coming from me and will be shipped the week of December 2.
  5. International entries are welcome!
  6. I will select winners using the Random number generator.
  7. Make sure your email address works. If I can’t contact you, I can’t send you your prize
  8. No whining, acting out, frowning or complaining. Whiners and complainers will be disqualified.
  9. I may compile the information from this post and write a blog post later, crediting you appropriately, of course.

If you are looking for the Creative Prompt, look here:

Black Friday Sew-in #3

The question for this giveaway is:
Tell me about the guild or guilds to which you belong. Why do you belong? What do you like? What would you change?

If you do not belong to a guild or quilt group, why not?

Another Chance to Win:

Your prize for this giveaway is:

500 Art Quilts
500 Art Quilts

Mean Mom Stuff:

  1. Substantive comments only. “Sign me up” comments will not be entered.
  2. Comments on questions close tomorrow 11/30/2013 at 6pm PDT. I may not actually get to choose the winner until December 1, but no whining if you can’t leave a comment at 6:01pm on 11/30.
  3. The books will be sent from Lark. I will send them the names and addresses and they will send you the book.
  4. Everything else is coming from me and will be shipped the week of December 2.
  5. International entries are welcome!
  6. I will select winners using the Random number generator.
  7. Make sure your email address works. If I can’t contact you, I can’t send you your prize
  8. No whining, acting out, frowning or complaining. Whiners and complainers will be disqualified.
  9. I may compile the information from your answers and write a blog post. Of course, I will credit you appropriately.

If you are looking for the Creative Prompt, look here:

Black Friday Sew-in Giveaway #2

The question for this giveaway is:

Lark Crafts is always interested in your thoughts about quilt and craft books. To that end, answer the following question in as much detail as possible:

  • What type of quilting book would you like to see on the market that’s not already out there?
  • If you could publish your “dream” book on quilting, what would it cover? How would it be set up, etc? In other words, what would be most helpful to them?

If you do another kind of craft, you can answer the same question, just substitute your craft (knit, crochet, stuffies, etc) for quilt.

Prize (2 copies available):

Stitched Blooms
Stitched Blooms

Mean Mom Stuff:

  1. Substantive comments only. “Sign me up” comments will not be entered.
  2. Comments on questions close tomorrow 11/30/2013 at 6pm PDT. I may not actually get to choose the winner until December 1, but no whining if you can’t leave a comment at 6:01pm on 11/30.
  3. The books will be sent from Lark. I will send them the names and addresses and they will send you the book.
  4. Everything else is coming from me and will be shipped the week of December 2.
  5. International entries are welcome!
  6. I will select winners using the Random number generator.
  7. Make sure your email address works. If I can’t contact you, I can’t send you your prize!
  8. No whining, frowning or complaining. Whiners and complainers will be disqualified.
  9. Winners first name and last initial will be posted on this page
  10. Answers may be compiled for a future blog post. Last names will not be used.

If you are looking for the Creative Prompt, look here:

Black Friday Sew-in Giveaway #1

The question for this giveaway is:

Tell me about your top 5 UFOs. What do they look like, what is stopping you from finishing? Do you still like the colors?

If you don’t have 5 UFOs, tell me about the UFOs you have or your current project.

If you are looking for the Creative Prompt, look here:


Pretty Little Patchwork
Pretty Little Patchwork

Mean Mom Stuff

  1. Substantive comments only. “Sign me up” comments will not be entered.
  2. Comments on questions close tomorrow 11/30/2013 at 6pm PDT. I may not actually get to choose the winner until December 1, but no whining if you can’t leave a comment at 6:01pm on 11/30.
  3. The books will be sent from Lark. I will send them the names and addresses and they will send you the book.
  4. Everything else is coming from me and will be shipped the week of December 2.
  5. International entries are welcome!
  6. I will select winners using the Random number generator.
  7. Make sure your email address works. If I can’t contact you, I can’t send you your prize
  8. No whining, frowning or complaining. Whiners and complainers will be disqualified.
  9. Winners first name and last initial will be posted on this page.

Black Friday Sew-in Giveaways

If you are looking for the Creative Prompt, look here:

#BFSI, Dudettes & Dudes. Get ready.

Start thinking about your UFOs, because we have some giveaways and I want to know about your UFOs.

Below is the Master List of Giveaway Prizes
One each of the following:

FQ Pack
FQ Pack

I received this fabric from a giveaway, but it isn’t something that I will use and it is a brand spanking new, full FQ pack of almost an entire line. There are 16 pieces (retail value $29) from the line Christmas Peace. This Christmas fabric and would make great gift bags.

BFSI Giveaway
BFSI Giveaway

The DVD is brand new. It is called The Best of Fons & Porter Love of Quilting TV Series.

2 each of the following:

Stitched Blooms
Stitched Blooms

Remember I reviewed Stitched Blooms? This is a book that I LOVED! I think you will love it, too.

Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits
Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits

I also reviewed Art Quilt Portfolio: People & Portraits and enjoyed this book.

500 Art Quilts
500 Art Quilts

500 Art Quilts is one of my favorites. I reviewed it  in 2010, but I still think it is pure eye candy.

Pretty in Patchwork Holidays
Pretty in Patchwork Holidays

I am tempted to keep Pretty in Patchwork Holidays myself as I have not gotten a sneak peek at this one. I get a lot of books from Lark, so I will pass this along and make goo goo eyes at Shannon in order get my own copy to review. 😉

Fat Quarterly Shape Workshop
Fat Quarterly Shape Workshop

I gave a copy of Fat Quarterly Shape Workshop away last year as well and the recipient was thrilled, though I don’t think she has had time to even look at it, but I am expecting great things from her.

 Pretty Little Patchwork
Pretty Little Patchwork

I am not sure I have seen Pretty Little Patchwork either, but I might have. I am sure it is great and I promise not to keep copies. I’ll give them both away.

Bonus Prizes:

Stuffed Animals
Stuffed Animals
Flip Dolls
Flip Dolls

I haven’t seen either of these, but they look fun.

I’ll be interested to know what you think. There is potential in them for making grownup dolls and toys — not just toys for kids.

Now: get ready for the questions.

Thanks for Lark Crafts for their generosity. Check out their blog at

Still not happy? (Sheesh you are so hard to please!)

Check out the gorgeousness that Daisy is giving away:


Creative Prompt #235: Meal

Yes, I do realize today is not Friday, but we are shaking things up a bit here at Artquiltmaker blog, because tomorrow is the Black Friday Sew-in and there is too much happening to do the Creative Prompt as well.

In a bit of celebration of U.S. Thanksgiving, the word this week fits in with that holiday. Enjoy!

Definition: any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

Meals on Wheels

meal plan

Join me for a meal

meal ticket

Happy Meal

meal train

square meal

Meal Deal

Last meal (condemned prisoner)



What to Work on…

When I know I will have a block of time to sew, I like to be prepared. I have a block of time on Friday and am not really prepared.

I am always a little prepared, because I keep stuff around to sew to get me in the mood, get me out of a slump, get me going. With a block of time, however, I want to maximize the time available and get the most done.

Many people will be starting the latest Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt, Celtic Solstice. I am not planning on doing that one as I still have plans to make Easy Street from last year. I also have a lot of other things to do and think one mystery quilt is enough for now.

The To Do List has helped me to stay focused and know what to work on next. The 26 Projects List has helped keep me on track for getting old UFOs off my shelves. It is kind of a macro view of my quilt life while the To Do list focuses on the smaller projects and achievable goals.

I hope to have some time later today to figure out where I am with Scrapitude and make myself a list of what comes next. I know I have some more triangle units (different ones) to sew, but I have to figure out if I have cut the pieces I need to use to sew them together.

I can work on the Russian Rubix. I also still need to find some more cool colors, I think, for the Jaye-Roll. I haven’t thought about either project for a month or so.

I also want to make a sleeve for the Original Bullseye and a bag to wrap the T-shirt quilt in. Those may be first on my list as they should be quick finishes.

I guess I do have a kind of plan and only need a bit of

Ribbon Star Redux #2

This is the block that would not die.

I made the Ribbon Star back in the midst of the Star Sampler quilt project. You might remember that I went back and forth and resewed, had trouble, unsewed and resewed again. I finally ended up with a block with which I could live and put it in the quilt. I also, however, had a second block laying around which was not up to par.

Ribbon Star on design wall
Ribbon Star on design wall

I finally decided to do something about it. First, I looked at the block a lot. I had it hanging on my design wall for a long time.

As an aside, my design wall is completely crammed. That was part of the reason I wanted to work on this. If I could save it (for a pillow? or the start of a different project?), I could get it off my design wall.

Someone pointed out to me that one piece (blue upper left hand corner immediately next to the background square) is sewed in wrong. Someone else said that it looked like the piece you grab to unroll or unravel the Ribbon Star. I really tried to think that was true, but it bugged me nonetheless.

The other thing that bugged me was the placement of some of the fabrics. I thought I read somewhere that this would look more dimensional, if light and darks were alternated. I messed that up and wanted to fix it.

Ribbon Star unsewed
Ribbon Star unsewed

I unsewed.

First, I unsewed a little bit to see if I could make it work with unsewing as little as possible.

I pretty much had to unsew all of the major seams. One survived. I didn’t unsew the units, except one, which was great.

Then I rearranged. I moved all of the pieces and parts around until I had an arrangement with which I could live.

Press. Resew. Voila!

Final Ribbon Star
Final Ribbon Star

It isn’t perfect, but it is better and all I can do is learn from this and do better next time. I don’t know what I will do with this block, but it will be a good start to something.

Fiberarts International

Keeping with my mini-theme of doing things out of the ordinary I went to an exhibit of part of the most recent Fiberarts International on Saturday with Maureen, Nancy & Dolores. We also had lunch.

The exhibit was at the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles. The exhibit is on now through January 19, 2014. It is worth going to see. Not quilts, but inspiring in some ways.

I think I mentioned that I joined after a long hiatus of not being a member and one of the benefits was that I got into the exhibit for free. I went there ‘light’, meaning I took no sketchbook, no magazine in case people were late, no book, no camera. Getting in free kind of felt ‘light’ to me, too.

Lung of the City
Lung of the City

I almost didn’t go. Going meant not sewing, but then I decided that my machine would still be there when I got back. I think I needed to hang out with some sane people and Maureen, Nancy & Dolores were just what the doctor ordered. It turned out to be good, because there was a piece that I loved.

Lung of the City
Lung of the City


The piece was by a Hungarian woman and called Lung of the City. I don’t really like the name, because the word lung evokes pink fleshy bits that should not see the light of day.

This piece was named, because it had to do with the city in which the artist lives and how the parks act as lungs for the city. I am guessing she means cleaning the air that is polluted by exhaust and industrial output.

Lung of the City
Lung of the City

The photos do not show the airiness and light that you could see through the piece. The piece was made up of three panels that must have been 10 feet tall. They were delicate, but must have been heavy as well, because they didn’t blow around as we walked by.


One of the things I noticed about many of the pieces was the layering. The one shown in the many photos, Lung of the City by Eszter Bornemisza, was three panels hung one in front of the other. It was made from a grid of thread and newspaper. This was a wonderful piece, partially because of the delicacy and partially because of the way the piece used shadows as part of the work. The photos above do not do the piece justice.

This piece really made me think. Not boring kind of thinking about art, but more about me making art quilts. The piece made me think about maps and place and community and my place and other people’s places. This piece with the foundation of watching Sarah’s video has made me think about art quilts again. I want to use her technique; I just haven’t found for what yet.

I don’t want to replicate what Bornemisza has made, but I want it to inspire me to do something different.

With the beginnings of the above conversation swimming around in my head, I went into the next gallery and saw what is, perhaps, a transition to a piece inspired by Bornemisza’s piece.

Untitled by Rachel Meginnes
Untitled by Rachel Meginnes

A long time ago I made several (3? 4?) woven quilts. I was happy with them at the time and though there could be more in the series, but there was something that wasn’t quite satisfying about them and, as time when on and I learned more, thought more, I, frankly, moved on.

Those woven pieces, however never quite left my mind and Saturday they were back at the forefront, dusted off, rejuvenated, new life breathed into them.

Untitled by Rachel Meginnes
Untitled by Rachel Meginnes

I saw this piece, which is also layered, and it reminded me of those woven pieces. It gave me a new idea for one of those woven pieces. I haven’t thought it all the way through, but I never thought the other woven pieces all the way through, so perhaps that is a good thing? I jut have a clear a few things off my to do list, which I did a bit of yesterday and pick some fabric and then we’ll see.


The French Fries at lunch were excellent.

Black Friday Sew-in Info

Thanks to
Thanks to

If you haven’t heard, I wanted to let you know that there will be a Black Friday Sew-in on Friday 11/29. It is a way to sew with friends and stay in your pajamas. Many participants will be starting the latest Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt, Celtic Solstice. Many people will be catching up on Scrapitude and others will be getting ready for the holidays or finishing up year end projects for Tanesha’s UFO challenge.

I am giving away several books, a bit of fabric and a DVD. Some podcasters are also giving away prizes. There will be some giveaways on Twitter (use hashtag #BFSI to find tweets). If you do not tweet, you can follow along on Tweetchat at, then choose the #BFSI hashtag.

Check the following blogs for more info on Friday. This may not be a complete list.

If you want to join in, search for or just tweet using the #BFSI hashtag.

A BIG thank you to Lark Crafts for sending books to giveaway.

If you want to know what to expect, read about last year’s event.

See you there!

Second Needle Case

Needle Case #2
Needle Case #2

Tomorrow is my only day at work before Thanksgiving until December 2. I am cooking for Thanksgiving and ‘need’ the prep time. I also need to go to the dentist and clean up the house and sew and laze around. The whole Grama thing has been really hard and even though I was off for a week at the end of October/beginning of November, I need more time off.

None of that is either here nor there, except that you should watch for the Pie Day photos that I will tweet out. I don’t know if you like it, but I always have fun tweeting Pie Day photos. I plan to make a pie for my mom’s priest who was awesome while my grandmother was sick. He was a great support to her and is a super nice guy.

So, two paragraphs in and no discussion of sewing. Let’s get to it. I made a second needle case. I couldn’t help myself. I needed to get it right. It still isn’t exactly right, but is much better. I did it last Sunday and then worked on the hand stitching on Monday night.

The problem this time is that I put batting in and I think I just don’t like batting for small accessories like this. I think batting should be in quilts and something thinner (not sure what yet) should be in journal covers and needle cases.

The changes I made to the pattern are:

  • Put ShapeFlex on all the major pieces. This gave it more body, but not quite enough to forgo the batting.
  • Machine sewed the ribbon on to the main outside piece right after adding the ShapeFlex to the fabric and then pinned it carefully out of the way
  • No binding; sewed around and then turned the whole thing
  • Stitched the top and the bottom of the pocket accent (directions say bottom only)
Needle Case #2 Open
Needle Case #2 Open

This pattern really doesn’t take very long. I am going to Joann to see about some ShapeFlex sometime this week and may look for fusible flannel as well. I don’t know if there is such a thing, but I will look. Flannel might be sticky enough without the fusible.

Various & Sundry 2013 #16

Recent merit badges
Recent merit badges


One of the things I wasn’t able to do when my machine was in the shop was to sew on merit badges. I finally was able to sew on the most recent two – chess and sculpture. He has more merit badges than are shown. I just folded over the sash, because I was in a hurry.

Aurifil Club November
Aurifil Club November

I got my Aurifil package for October (or, perhaps, November) while I was away. I was somewhat disappointed with the last installment and I was disappointed in this installment as well. I really wanted bright colors and wasn’t getting them. I decided to cancel my subscription to the Aurifil club. I still think the Aurifil Club is a great idea. I know running a small business is hard, I just don’t want to receive the colors I already own or are locally available. I know some of you are thinking that I should tell Mary Jo and Matthew. Yes, you are right; I just didn’t have the energy to explain at this time. They, of course, have no way of knowing what I like and don’t like. I might join again another time. We will see.

The other day I posted a review of Sarah’s video. Towards the end of the video she mentioned a free Quilting Daily eBook called Quilt Binding and Finishing: Free Tutorials on How to Bind a Quilt Plus Tips on Finishing a Quilt. It is in PDF format (I would prefer Kindle, but beggars can’t be choosers. All you have to do is sign up for the Quilting Daily newsletter. It is annoying to get it everyday, but I usually take a quick glance and glean what I can and delete it. The eBooks are great. They aren’t like real books, but free is good.

I did buy a bolt of ShapeFlex. The bolts are only 15 yards big and about $80. I had a 50% off coupon from Joann, so I used it for that. I am pleased and have already cut into it. One great thing about ShapeFlex is that I can use the little bits and pieces to fill in places where I just need a bit.


I got the notice that my local county fair is starting up marketing for their 2014 exhibit. Commit to entering your local county fair. Usually, the cost of entry is low. At our fair, as I have mentioned, we get entry tickets and parking passes, which makes the cost of a day out with the family very affordable. Why not? What have you got to lose?


Need an idea for birthday card. Check out how Jill made a great card with machine embroidery.

While Sewing
As many of you know, I listen to audiobooks as I sew. I pretend that I only buy quilt books, but, in reality I do buy audiobooks from They make it easy to download and listen. Still, the cost adds up even with a plan. If you are on the fence, there are free books from Librivox, but also you can borrower them from your local public library.

Other Artists

Camille Roskelley posted another version of her Round and Round pattern. I love that block. It is essentially a Friendship Star, but she has made it better. I guess I should say that she has taken a moderately successful block and made it really interesting. I know I sound judgmental, but I think that the Friendship doesn’t work well as a large block (e.g. 12″), works better the smaller a quiltmaker makes it. Roskelley’s version takes the best of the block and really makes it sing.

You might remember that I recently participated in a blog hop for Sarah Ann Smith‘s new DVD Workshop. As part of that, she wrote a nice post about me! It was fun to see the impression that I make on someone else.


I love this idea: Winter is a chromatic palette cleanser. This is paraphrased from The Lost Art of Mixing.

Book Review: Metal Clay 101 for Beaders

Metal Clay 101 for Beaders: Create Custom Findings, Beads, Embellishments & CharmsMetal Clay 101 for Beaders: Create Custom Findings, Beads, Embellishments & Charms by Kristal Wick

The earrings at the beginning of the book have a design stamped, I assumed without reading any further, that could be a free motion quilting design. This book is about upcycling and eventhis purple earring projects sets that intention from the very beginning.

Again, Kristal Wick‘s book has an illustrated table of contents, which gives the reader an overview of what to expect. The thumbnails set out an ambitious and appealing agenda.

Ms. Wick has a 2 page introduction, which extolls the virtues of beads and metal clay. She gives a taste of what the book will include with a sense of competence and enthusiasm.

The ‘Basics’ section (pg.10-37), includes pictures of her favorite materials as well as a description of different things. Or so I thought. I leafed through the pages, looking for the end and found an unbelievably complete ‘Basics’ section. Kristal’s ‘Basic’ section includes the above as well as metal clay tools and materials, a Metal Clay Toolbox, metal clay fundamentals, firing the metal clay, how to create patinas, embellishments, jewelry components and tools, a section on bead strings and stitches and basic wire techniques.

After 30+ pages of detailed instructions, the projects start. I am pretty sure I wouldn’t wear most of these pieces, but I would pick them apart and put them on some of my art quilts! I really liked the textures and shapes of the different designs.

I have to say that an appealing part of these patterns is the variety of textures included int he same design. In the first project, the Birdhouse Necklace (pg.38), there is metal clay, charms, crystal and metal beads and everything works well as a cohesive whole.

Throughout the book, the author shows very clearly how to put the bits and beads together to make the various projects. Quiltmakers could easily apply components of these projects to a quilt project in the same manner and achieve a great look. This book can also be used as a good source of inspiration as it has detailed images of different textures used.

Each project has a good description of the supplies required along with the nice photos. Variations are mostly shown, though not always described. The reader can get a brief idea of what the project looks like in slightly different colors.

The end of the book has a gallery of projects, by different artists, as well as a short index.

Enjoy the colors and textures as inspiration from this book. Thanks to Lark Books for sending it to me.

View all my reviews

Creative Prompt #234: Latte

Some Lattes
Some Lattes

Yes, more breakfast.

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

She Had to Have Her Latte (a quilt TFQ and I made)

latte art

Definition: “A latte (/?l??te?/ or /?læte?/)[1][2] is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk. The term as used in English is a shortened form of the Italian caffè latte or caffellatte (pronounced [?kaffel?latte]), which means “milk coffee”. The word is also sometimes incorrectly spelled latté or lattè in English with different kinds of accents, which can be a hyperforeignism (a mistake) or a deliberate attempt to help customers realize the word is not pronounced as this combination of letters would normally be interpreted by native speakers. In northern Europe and Scandinavia the term ‘café au lait‘ has traditionally been used for the combination of espresso and milk, but this term is used in the US for brewed coffee and scalded milk. In France, ‘caffè latte’ is mostly known from American coffee chains; a combination of espresso and steamed milk equivalent to a ‘latte’ is in French called ‘grand crème’ and in German ‘Milchkaffee’ or ‘Melange’. Variants include replacing the coffee with another drink base such as masala chai (spiced Indian tea), mate or matcha, and other types of milk, such as soy milk are also used.” (Wikipedia)

I am sure Pam will explain this to me: “latte software for counting lattice points and integrating polynomials over polytopes”

From the Urban Dictionary: A coffee with milk, which costs 5 times as much as a coffee with milk.

Latte Mama: Unique Swedish and British fashion for newborn to 6 years. (HUH?) BuzzTale enables businesses and media to create real-time, visual, branded stories.

Latte bowls

Glam Latte: Fashion Inspiration from the City of Angels

Latte is inspired by the old synthesizers from the past and is able to produce powerful synth sounds, fat basses, expressive leads, crazy sounds and more.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

World Latte Art Championship 2013. 26-28 June 2013 • Nice, France Despite our name, we’re not all about lattes. But if you enjoy milky espresso drinks, we can help. We love the cafe experience and are interested in helping people discover the best coffee shops, whether they’re looking for a place to hunker down and work, a spot with a nice backyard, somewhere to talk with friends, or some other criteria entirely.

Try the Latte Factor Calculator Find out what investing your small savings can do for you.

Latte Art – set on Flickr (blog)

Lattes and Legos


Needle Case – Secret Santa #2

Modern Patchwork Spring 2013 cover
Modern Patchwork Spring 2013 cover

When I was down at Grama’s I had a stack of quilt magazines with me. I hadn’t brought a lot to do, because I was supposed to be at a conference and didn’t want to feel like it was a waste to have lugged a bunch of stuff down with me only to lug it straight back home.

As you know, I ended up at Grama’s, racing around like a crazy person before dropping into bed exhausted, looking at two pages of quilt magazines and falling asleep with the magazine on my face. Two pages, however, is progress. While looking through the magazines, I found a needle case pattern in Modern Patchwork. I decided to add it to the shopping bag for my BAMQG Secret Santa. As soon as I finished the machine part of the shopping bag (I still have a bit of hand stitching to do), I started in on the needlecase.

Needle Case #1 Open
Needle Case #1 Open

The pattern is by Rashida Coleman-Hale of the I Heart Linen blog and I, initially, had a hard time with the way the pattern was laid out in the magazine. Remember, I am much better at being shown how to make something than I am reading directions and following them. I began reading the directions and couldn’t figure out what to do first. The pattern started with “Create the Pocket.”

Huh? What pocket?

Needle Case #1 Open detail
Needle Case #1 Open detail

Finally, I realized I needed to cut all the pieces out first, even though the pattern says nothing about that. Step 1 should be “Cut out pieces (see Sidebar)”, but it wasn’t. Also, the list of pieces of fabric that need to be cut is on the right hand side of the page and I was looking on the left (we read from left to right), which happened to be instruction #1 of the pattern.

My heart sank. I didn’t want to do a project that was so hard to understand that it wouldn’t come out well. The project is small enough to use scraps, so I decided to cut out the pattern pieces and try one more time. Miraculously, as soon as I cut the pieces, step #1 of the directions made complete sense.

I am skeptical of magazine instructions, but these were ok, after my initial confusion, for a not very complex project. I am not quite done with the project, but the one thing I would do differently is sew the cording (I am using a ribbon) on before I sew on the binding. I think it would look neater and be stronger. I might also figure out some other closure, but I haven’t thought that far ahead. Live and learn.

Needle Case #1 Open detail
Needle Case #1 Open detail

I used fabric scraps from the shopping bag and also a few others. The the two Secret Santa pieces will match, but not be matchy-matchy. Cute, huh? I did not use the linen. I used regular quilting cotton.

If I made this project again, I would give the outside pieces some body by lining them with ShapeFlex (LOVE that stuff!).

I didn’t have any Fiberfill to fill the pincushion, but if I had been thinking I would have used the roving I bought for the other pin cushions I have been making on and off. I just wasn’t thinking so I cutting up some batting scraps to fill the pincushion. It is small, so I think the batting will be ok.

Needle Case #1 back
Needle Case #1 back

My Secret Santa likes pink, so I am going all out on the pink. I really hope she likes what I have made. This needle case really did not take me very long and I think I might make a few more for friends. We will see.