Half Hexie Star Plan

Half Hexie Star: what I have done so far
Half Hexie Star: what I have done so far

I was still recovering from my oral surgery last Friday as I prepared for Sew Day after work. With a full week of work and the aftereffects of the surgery under my belt, I was tired. I thought hard about staying home, but decided to go. I wanted to see my friends and participate in the Destash party.

In order not to completely exhaust myself, I decided to bring as little as possible with me. I needed a small project without a lot of pieces and parts. For example, I did not want to bring a sewing machine. The La Pass BOM would have been the perfect project, but it is delayed again.

It occurred to me that I could bring the Half Hexie Star quilt, put it up on the design wall and make a plan to get it finished. Looking at it and making a plan had been on my list for a long time and Sew Day provided the perfect opportunity.

I did it! And it worked!

I now have a plan to finish this quilt. I can see the light at the end of the Half Hexie tunnel, which is a finished quilt. This is very exciting. I thought this would be one of those quilts I would finish in 10 years.

Half Hexie Star: top two rows
Half Hexie Star: top two rows

First, this may be the first time I have ever put this quilt up on the design wall and looked at it vertically. I have laid it out on the floor, but seeing it on the design wall is better.

Second, I figured out what I needed to do to even up the sides. I plan to finish the two rows I have started on the top (see arrows) and call it done. I am not going to add more rows to make it bigger.

Half Hexie Star: side
Half Hexie Star: side

A lot of people came and talked to me about the quilt. One of my guild mates asked what the final size would be. I looked at her, confused. She clarified that she wanted to know whether the pattern said it would be a twin or another size. She also wanted to know if I made enough stars to complete the pattern. Clearly she doesn’t know me that well. I laughed and said I wasn’t using a pattern. I said it would be as big as I felt like making it. This was a foreign concept to my guild mate.

At that point, I decided that it would be pretty much as big as we could see on the design wall right then.

Half Hexie Stars: right side detail (to do)
Half Hexie Stars: right side detail (to do)

I haven’t measured it, though it would have been a good time to do it.

Next, I tried to think of ways to square up the sides. I pinned stars to the sides to make each side as even as possible, so I could see what I had.

The top and bottom just need some diamonds and triangles fitted into the open spaces in the stars. The top and bottom will be easy.

Half Hexie Stars: Trying to add background
Half Hexie Stars: Trying to add background

For the sides, I thought about putting a couple of the half hexie pieces using background fabric in to the sides as a way of getting the sides to be more square. I even sewed some as a test. I was going to go with that solution, which would have made a gentle zig zag edge. I didn’t feel it was an ideal solution.

Half Hexie Star: Lindsay's idea
Half Hexie Star: Lindsay’s idea

Then Lindsay arrived and we discussed it further. She thought I could add in the triangles and diamonds without the background pieces. It wouldn’t make the edge square, but there would still be a gentle zigzag. The triangles and diamond pieces would match the look of the bottom better. I like this idea much better and will work on it.

Finally Mary C said that I could use the edge as is – already folded under – and fold the backing under, then whip stitch the top and bottom together rather than applying a standard binding. I think this is a really good idea. If I can work with Colleen to make it happen, I will.

I am pleased with the various solutions. I am also glad that I will be done with this top soon.

Double Spiky 16 Patch #1 Quilted

Double Spiky Star #1: quilted
Double Spiky Star #1: quilted

A long time ago, I made the Double Spiky 16 Patch #1. At Sew Day the other day, Lindsay brought it back quilted. I was pretty excited to see it done an in reality it was only February of 2021 that I finished it.

Double Spiky Star #1 quilted detail
Double Spiky Star #1 quilted detail

She quilted it really well. I love the designs she chose. I am so pleased this was a group effort.

Percheron Pouch Nearing the Finish

The Percheron (part of Minikins Season 3) by Sew Sweetness is classified as a pouch, but it is definitely larger than what I would consider to be a pouch. Remember I made one of these before? I wanted to make it again since I struggled with Mom’s. As mentioned, it was going very well and I think I mastered the hinge, which was one of the steps that caused me a headache.

Percheron assembling
Percheron assembling

It isn’t going as well as it was before. I am not quite sure what went sideways, but I have been really, really struggling with putting the whole thing together.

I know the picture of the whole thing makes it look very sad. I think I was in a rush. I don’t have to throw it out, don’t worry.

Percheron #2 lining
Percheron #2 lining

I just really fought and fought with the lining and the assembly. It looks really ugly in this picture. The saving grace is that I haven’t finished the last seam by hand, so there is hope that I can save it. I really don’t want to unpick it.

I can also give the thing a good press (this is where my small Oliso comes in very handy) and I am sure that will help, too.

Percheron #2 lining (bottom)
Percheron #2 lining (bottom)

Is there always a point in my bag making where I despair completely?

Now I need to remember to sew a Wunderlabel in it.

More La Pass Sections Sewn

La Pass: bottom right hand corner
La Pass: bottom right hand corner

The other day I talked about sewing rosettes together. I finally finished what I was doing and I think the section looks nice.

Sewing this corner together really makes me think about how to finish the edge.

I really don’t want to cut off any of the piecing I have done, though I know that will be part of the directions. In the photo above, I can see how finishing that red butterfly rosette would look a lot better. Then what do I do with the part right above it with the white star points?

Pies & Points: Finished

Pies & Points Finished
Pies & Points Finished

I am pretty pleased to say that the binding didn’t take very long. I am finished with Pies and Points.

I am not sure I ever made a quilt with so much background before and I keep looking at it and wondering. I am not sure why. I definitely like the quilt. It really has a fluttery type of feeling, which was part of my point.

Pies & Points back
Pies & Points back

I didn’t do anything special for the backing – just sewed a bunch of fabrics from the ‘backs’ bin together.

Another project crossed off my To Do list! Yay!

Assembling La Pass Rosettes

I am still working on assembling smaller sections of La Passacaglia. I sewed some Month 13/14 together with some Month 11 rosettes that will end up in the upper left hand corner. In May and June I sewed Month 7 to M6 and 10, so this isn’t a new phenomenon. I tend to sew various rosettes together when I am waiting for the next BOM packet to arrive. I am trying to keep the sections small, so they fit in my giant box, but it isn’t working.

Matching up rosettes
Matching up rosettes

When I sew the rosettes together, I have make sure I am matching up the rosettes properly. This picture shows that some of the star points (see the purple with the small dots?) don’t work. At a point like this, I have to decide if I am going to change out a piece or live with it.

I followed the directions, and checked back to make sure. The purple dotted star point does not properly complete the teacup star. I changed it out.

In a way, this is part of the fun even though picking out stitches isn’t that fun.

Pantone Project – 2d Group of Blocks

Pantone Project: 2d group of blocks
Pantone Project: 2d group of blocks

I made more Pantone Project blocks. I am not caught up, but am getting there. Julie had a great post about her blocks and playing with our combined blocks on the design wall.

Making these blocks is providing me with little snippets of sewing now that I am finished with Pies & Points. I still want to get in a groove like I did with the Flying Geese project a million years ago (2015), but I am not there yet.

This is really the first time I have looked carefully at Pantone colors. I am not sure what they are trying to do. They have a LOT of beiges and other neutrals. They don’t have many bright, clear colors – or as many as I would like. I guess I should go read their website.

La Pass Month 15

La Pass Month 15 rosettes
La Pass Month 15 rosettes

I was able to finish the rosettes for Month 15 before the fabric for Month 16 arrived. These were not difficult and they didn’t take a long time. I am looking forward to receiving Month 16.

I am starting to think about putting the whole piece together and am considering the edges. I don’t want to cut off any of the piecing, but the rosettes on the edges are not complete. I am going to see whether I have enough fabric to complete the rosettes on the edges.

Friend Julie suggested I put solids on the edges. I could complete the rosettes using solids

OdiCoat Test

I am making a Percheron Pouch and was finally organized enough to coat the bottom with OdiCoat**.

Preparing to apply Odicoat
Preparing to apply Odicoat

Using Odicoat means rough cutting a pattern piece, then applying two layers to fabric. The first layer has to dry before the second layer can be applied.

As you know, I try to avoid messy projects, but I do like protecting the bottoms of my bags if I can. The iron-on vinyl isn’t ideal. It is wearing through and pulling away from the bottom of one of the bags on which I used it.

I had time to use the OdiCoat, so I did it. I applied on the kitchen counter, using wax paper to keep the counter clean. I allowed it to dry for 24 hours, which the directions say. I found that it was mostly dry much earlier, but I could tell the difference after 24 hours.

Two layers later I found that the piece, which was rough cut, had a plastic feeling layer on top.

Now I’ll have to see how it sews!













**Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need at quilt shops, I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

Ridiculously Pleasing Percheron

Percheron Pouch (top) in process
Percheron Pouch (top) in process

I am ridiculously pleased with how this Percheron Pouch (part of Minikins Season 3) is turning out.

The photo, left doesn’t show much to you, but the top has nicely fussy cut fabric and is pleasingly stiff. Granted, there is a lot of interfacing in the top. Still, I am super happy when it all works out.

I started working on this just to get a break from the Tarts. I didn’t expect much progress. When I made this pattern before, I just remember struggling. Still, I couldn’t get the pattern out of my mind and decided to make another one as a gift. Since I needed to rest my body from quilting, I thought it would be a good time to make a start. I had cut out all the pieces previously, so was ready to go.

Percheron Pouch: top is 3D
Percheron Pouch: top is 3D

I worked along slowly, listening to my book and alternately ironing fabric for Stay Tuned. Suddenly, the top was made!

I am so pleased with how it came out. It is really 3D! The fussy cutting looks great and even the (IMO) ugly zipper fits really well with the fabric.

Bookcases Sad Face

I am disappointed in the IKEA bookcases I bought. The Billy bookcases are very popular with a lot of people. I liked the options, look and feel.

Billy bookcase damage
Billy bookcase damage

What I found, however, is that the 66 lbs each shelf is supposed to hold isn’t true. The shelf holders are very substandard and have damaged the inside of my bookcase sides.

The shelves involved are the ones I can easily access. Those are the shelves I use for my block dictionaries, class related references and color books. I use these particular volumes all the time.

New fir shelves
New fir shelves

My DH looked at it and had a plan to fix it. He is really busy, though, so I called my handyman. After taking a look, he brought some new L brackets and some new Fir shelves to try. I installed them. They look ok. Not bright white like I wanted, though we will paint them if we decide they are the ones.

Shelves refilled
Shelves refilled

They work ok and the bowing of the outside pieces has stopped, but I lose and inch or two that I need, so I can’t fit the books on one whole shelf. I put the books sideways, but that doesn’t help me much since I can’t see the spines.

DH checked Home Despot for other shelf holders and we have a few options. I am really annoyed that these shelves have only lasted for one year. Yes, I have filled them full, but each shelf is right around the max weight, so they should work fine.

One option I have is to get bookshelves built out of wood rather than particle board. My handyman told me about a place in the City that will make custom shelves. Stay tuned.



Friend Julie posted about her Wunderlabels. I received mine as well. I bought a small number to see if I use them. I have been lazy about using the labels I print out. Maybe these will be easier to use.


I am pretty pleased with the quality. There isn’t much one can include in the little space, but I decided that simplicity was key.

Putting the blog on them will help researchers and historians in the future when they want to identify my bags and smaller projects. LOL!!!


I also like the quality. They look pretty well made. I’ll have to sew one into a bag soon, so see what I think for real.

Various & Sundry 2022 #11


I updated the HRT page to include basic information about Latifah Saafir’s new HuRTy ruler.

Projects, Classes, Patterns & Tutorials

Just in time for Christmas and Hannukah, I updated the gift bags tutorial to include French seams.

Rock Star Block Finished
Rock Star Block Finished

Whole Circle Studio has a pattern for an interesting quilt called Big Island Sunset. The shape is a kind of elongated Drunkard’s Path. Someone pointed out to me that the studio has templates available to make the quilt. I think it could be made with one of the Sew Kind of Wonderful rulers since the shape is similar to the top pointy one in the Rock Star block I made using the Wonder Curve ruler**. Whole circle has a couple of rainbow/color wheel free patterns in addition to their other offerings.

Tansy Designs has a great pattern weight pattern called Zen Blocks. The solids Tansy uses make them seem super fun. I saw a link to this site on the FB Sew Hungry Hippie page. Maybe they would make good toys, if the seams were well sewn?

Tools, Books, Fabric, Notions & Supplies

I recently received the latest issue of QuiltFolk. My sister gifts it to me for Christmas or my birthday every year. It is a fantastic gift. In the package were some ads for books from Schiffer Craft. Really interesting quilt books, e.g. not just the project books we are have become resigned to seeing. One is the large coffee table type book by Rod Kiracofe, Unconventional & Unexpected: American Quilts Below the Radar, 1950-2000**. They publish books in other areas besides quiltmaking. There is a book called Wellness for Makers**, another about weaving**. I also saw a book called Deeds Not Words**, which celebrates the centennial of the 19th amendment through quiltmaking. Schiffer Craft describes their business as “Schiffer Craft publishes to help energize maker and craft communities worldwide. We are dedicated to publishing high quality books and kits that inspire, instruct, and educate. We enrich lives through craft”. Their catalog covers paper, metalwork, jewelry making, ceramics and other media. Take a look at their catalog and some of their high quality books.

Check out the free patterns and booklets available from Paper Pieces. One has new information for the updated Dear Jane.

Tula Pink talks about her new fabric collection, Everglow in a fun video. The introduction of the new collection can be found in another video, which explains the whole concept behind the new additions to the True Colors line.

I saw the Carolyn Friedlander seam guide on the Sewtopia site. Friend Julie sent me to the site for something else. I was sure what this was and how I would use it. The Sewtopia site describes it as “This hand-held guide is helpful for measuring and marking all sorts of stuff while you’re sewing. Measurements start at 1/8? and go up from there. Use for marking seam allowance, appliqués, hexagons, hems, corners and much more.” I don’t think I will buy one, but will keep it in mind. Let me know if you use one and how you use it.

Confused about what zipper numbers mean? Sara of Sew Sweetness has a video discussing the topic














**Obviously, you should shop at local fabric, knitting shops or quilt shops. However, if you can’t, please know that I use affiliate links. I may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I do not recommend items I don’t like. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.

26 Projects 2022 #10

After I posted the last 26 Projects post, Sue S commented that I had accomplished a lot. It made me wonder if I should just post the new stuff and not make it an accumulation? That might make it easier to see what I have accomplished in one month. I tried it, but the result was so pathetic that I went back to normal accumulation posting. The problem is that I am working on gift projects and can’t show them until later in the year.

Finished 2022 Quilt Projects

Finished 2022 Small and Non-Quilt Projects

This category covers bags, toys, aprons and knitting as well as other non-quilt projects.

 Doing Good

Ready for Quilting

    • Nothing at the moment

In Process or To Make
The ‘In Process’ is used to denote projects on which I am actively working or are on the design wall waiting for me to stitch. I am continuing to try not to put away projects. I find putting a project away ensures I never work on them, because I just lose steam.

Quilts (machine work)

Quilts (Handwork)

I decided that some of my quilts are in a different class because they are hand piecing or embroidery or beading. They take longer. Thus I created a new category and have moved some projects here.

  • English Paper Piecing Project– half hexies – I worked on this project again while I was waiting for La Pass Month 11 to arrive. I need to lay it out and figure out the bottom so I can put the border pieces on
  • La Passacaglia – I am up to date on this project and waiting for Month 13 to arrive.

In the Quilting Process

In the Finishing Process

Small Projects

Most of my progress involves thinking or just cutting. I don’t have a bag in process at the moment.

  • Ultimate Project Organizer – another project from the Crafty Gemini Organizer Club, also on my list, but not yet started
  • Retreat Organizer – another project from the Crafty Gemini Organizer Club, also on my list, but not yet started. Recently, I saw one of these made up and I am not so nervous about it
  • Rose Petrillo bag – I found the pieces for this bag cut out, but not sewn.
  • Superbloom tote using Hindsight fabric – not started

Still UFOs
I still have UFOs. Who doesn’t, after all? A project in the ‘UFO’ category means I am stalled, it hasn’t been worked on in awhile or it is waiting its turn to be worked on. The list is a lot shorter and the projects are newer, for the most part.

I am annoyed that some of these are still WIPs. I just need to work on them!

  1. Handbag Sampler – this is still the forgotten project. It should be on the UFO list. The blocks were teaching samples when I taught a sampler class some time before I started writing the quilt class sampler tutorials. I found one block recently, but otherwise I don’t actually know exactly where the blocks are hiding. I crawled up in the far reaches of my fabric closet to see if I could find them and they weren’t where I thought. I am sort of mystified as to where they could be. I haven’t even found a picture of all the blocks. WTH?
  2. Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. After a brief burst of inspiration, I am stalled on this again. As one of my oldest (I am pretty sure) UFOs, I put it on my blog and out into the Twitterverse and Diane suggested that I not consider this as a self portrait. I think that strategy is a great idea. I am now trying to think of a new persona for her.
  3. Serendipity Lady – I am still planning to take this piece to be framed. It might need a bit of quilting first.
  4. Fabric of the Year 2020
  5. Fabric of the Year 2021 – I may combine 2020 and 2021 into a COVID edition.